

ALBANY COUNTY ELECTION INTEGRITY COMMITTEE STATEMENT OF PRINCIPLES We believe that without secure and fair elections a nation of people cannot be free. Although the 2020 presidential election garnered the issue of election security much attention, election security has been deteriorating for decades. The secret encryption via counting machines and the plethora of non-in-person voting options states have allowed over the years all provide opportunities for election tampering and error. There have been many news reports of pockets of alleged election fraud, in addition to the pile of eyewitness testimonies of election tampering during the 2020 presidential election. And those are just incidences that are known. It is out of concern for election security that we have organized this Albany County Election Integrity Committee. We ask all concerned citizens to join our committee for the purpose of prompting the changes needed to secure elections, changes that will benefit all citizens who ...

Charter and By-Laws

CHARTER Article 1. Name The name of this organization shall be the ALBANY COUNTY ELECTION INTEGRITY COMMITTEE Doing Business As an Unincorporated Nonprofit Association under the laws of the State of Wyoming. Article 2. Object The object of the Committee shall be to work to help educate citizens on the problems with our elections and we will work with our government to make elections secure and fair for everyone thereby creating an informed electorate through programs of education and action. Article 3. Membership Any dues paying Albany County Voter that agrees to the goals of the committee may become a member of this committee. If my dues are accepted, I agree that a duly appointed officer of the Committee may revoke my membership at any time, without the reason stated. Article 5. Officers The officers of this organization shall be chairman/ executive director, assistant chairman, recording secretary, treasurer, district directors as appointed by the chairman, wi...


FORM LETTER FOR PROSPECTIVE SPONSORS Dear __________________ Traditional American elections — those from the mid-1800s until the mid-1900s — used to be among the most trusted elections in the world. This was in no small way due to the fact that America’s elections were open to the public, citizens voted in-person on Election Day, and paper ballots were used, which allowed a paper trail should questions of fraud arise. Also, at the time, every aspect of American elections, except the marking of the voters’ secret ballots, was open to the public. Anyone could watch precinct workers count the vote. American elections have changed dramatically over the decades. There are many mail-in voting options. Encryption software that comes from foreign countries is often used. There are few, if any, laws that guard against illegal aliens or nonresidents from voting, as attempts to implement voter IDs have met fierce resistance. Voter rolls all across the country are littered with dead people. Ma...


SPONSOR AGREEMENT I agree to endorse the principles and program of this Albany County Election Integrity Committee. I understand that this is an ad hoc committee formed to educate community members on the problems with our election process and organize for Constitutional restoration of election security and integrity. I am aware that a letterhead in the name of the committee will be prepared, to include my name and the names of other reputable citizens of this area as endorsers of this program. The activities of this committee will be ONLY: 1. To educate community members about traditional American election procedures and the dangers and problems with our current election system 2. To use that knowledge to inspire a desire for proper Constitutional changes 3. To gather support for restoration of traditional American electoral procedures 4. To use the information regarding our election problems to organize and apply pressure for needed changes It is my understanding that the Commit...